1 Chua’s oscillator

1.1 State equations

The (unnormalized) state equations are:

   dv1- =   -1-[(v - v )G  - f(v )]
   dt       C1    2   1         1
{  dv2-     -1-
   dt   =   C2 [(v1- v2)G  + i3]
   di3        1-
   dt   =   - L [v2 + R0i3]


f (v1) = Gbv1 +  0.5(Ga  - Gb)[| v1 + Bp |- |v1-  Bp|]

1.2 Dimensionless state equations

Dimensionless state equations can be derived from the original ones scaling time, voltages, and currents.

1.2.1 The classical case

In the original paper [1], where the circuit was extensively analyzed, time, voltages, and currents are scaled by RC2, Bp, and BpG, respectively. The new state variables become:

x =  v1- , y = v2- , z = -i3--
     Bp        Bp        BpG

and the normalized time is given by:

t =  -----

With these assumptions, we obtain the following dimensionless state equations:

   dt-  =  a(- x + y - f (x))
{  dy
   dt-  =  x - y + z
   ---  =  - by - gz


f(x) = m1x  + 0.5(m0 - m1)[ |x + 1|-  |x - 1 |] , m0 =  GaR  , m1 =  GbR


     C2-         2
a =  C   , b = R  C2/L  , g = RR0C2/L

1.2.2 The applet case

The applet uses a different set of dimensionless state equations, as indicated below. Assume Ga - the slope of the inner segment of the nonlinear resistor characteristic - is negative and set Ra = -1/Ga > 0 . Then scale time, voltages, and currents by C1Ra , Bp , and Bp/Ra , respectively. If we use as state variables:

X  = -v1  ; Y = -v2 ; Z =  i3Ra-
     Bp         Bp          Bp

with normalized time given by:

t = ------,(Ra  = - 1/Ga >  0)

the following dimensionless state equations are obtained:

   dt   =   a(-X  + Y )-  f(X)
{  dY--
   dt   =   s[a(X  - Y ) + Z]
   dt-  =   -c(Y  + rZ)


f(X)  = - bX +  0.5(b - 1)[|X + 1 |- |X - 1 |]

and where

    Ra-                           Gb-       C1-           2          R0-
a =  R  ,(Ra = - 1/Ga  > 0) ; b = Ga  ; s = C2  ; c = C1R a/L  ; r = Ra

After this scaling, the nonlinear resistor has breakpoints for X = ±1 and the slopes of the piecewise linear characteristic are -1 in the inner segment and -b in the outer segments. Finally, note that the case r= 0 corresponds to the (classical) Chua’s circuit, where R0 = 0.


[1]   T. Matsumoto, L. 0. Chua, and M. Komuro, “The double scroll”, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-32, pp. 797-818, 1985.